Monday 29 August 2011


well, hello friends i am back taking some time from my busy schedule for all of u... well today i am going to share abiut the different cultures of the indian cultures..... well lets go to the amazing ride of the cultures of INDIA---
‘Culture’ is rather an overused word nowadays, many people use it in many contexts, and the use of the term in so many situations and perspectives have confused the perception of the people regarding what word really means. In fact, there was a study in 1952 by two experts who compiled a list of 146 definitions of the word culture. The word ‘culture’ in simple terms represents a pattern. A common pattern of thought, action, attitudes, goals, interests coupled with the things that affect and influence this pattern can be defined as culture. These things can be social as well as political in nature
Indian culture and tradition is extremely unique, and is among the richest and most diverse cultures in the world. This can be observed in some of the most important components of culture, the manners, the way of life, the mode of communication. All of these are vital mechanisms . Also, even with the acceptance of modern way of living as a means of improved standard of living, the core of a human being, the values, traditions and beliefs do not change, unless we want it to be. The factors like clothing, food, livelihood, all this and more can be changed, but the inner values remain deeply rooted within a person’s conscience.
Indian culture and tradition has a multitude of things that are instantly identifiable and has been followed by the people since thousands of years. To cite an example, Indian culture has always treated guests as one would treat a god himself. “Atithi Devo bhava” ( A guest has to be treated as god himself ) has been a lesson that has bee taught to many of us right from childhood. Even if there is not a thing to eat in the house, the members of the family are prepared to go hungry in order that the guest may not. The Indian culture and tradition has inspired millions around the world
Love and respect for elders is another common aspect. Respect should be accorded to people older than yourself is a lesson that has been ingrained in the minds of people from the time they are born. Age is respected, and this is an inherent part of Indian mindset, the experience of age must have been accompanied with knowledge, and this is respected. Many Indians show respect to elders by touching their feet, and asking for blessings. These life lessons are passed on from generation to generation.

Indian culture was wrought not wholly by religion, geography, demographic diversity, history, heritage or any one factor. It is an entity that has been influenced by a whole lot of subtle factors that are less visible that the geography or diverse population. The heritages, the roots of Indian origin can also play a part in understanding Indian culture. The Indus Valley civilization formed the starting point, the Vedic period was instrumental in further evolution occurring here, the period described as Golden age, invasions, central Asian to British as well as the Indian struggle for Independence.
Language, music, religion, custom, architecture, dance, myriad other subjects are used as evidence of the diverse nature of India, and true all these are different as you go from one part of the country to the next. Only if you are really observant or better informed will you see the commonality that is shared, the sub cultures have been subject to amalgamation that is the result of millennia shared in living as a mighty nation.
Numerous historians describe  as “the oldest living civilization on earth”, and rightly so, 8000 BC was the oldest period that can be traced to India, and the records that exist of history of over two thousand years has been helpful to experts, as well as the results of digs in Harappa and Mohenjo Daro sites. India has had an impact on the world in a multitude of ways, religion is chief, as is Yoga, as well as Indian food, music and dance.
Indian religions, also referred to as Dharmic religions, play a big part in the lives of the population. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism originated in India. As the birth place of these religions which have influenced world religions in a big way. Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world, and is followed by more than 2 billion people all over the world. Buddhism is next to Hinduism in numbers of followers, about 2 billion more or less.

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